Welcome to today’s video.
In today’s video, what we’re going to going to be going through is how to create a marketing session for leads so that your leads can actually book onto that session. What we’re seeing very frequently at the moment is a lot of queries around how do I create a marketing session for my leads to be able to book on as I’d like to schedule a call with them. So that’s what we’re going to be going through today.
So the first thing we’re going to be be doing is to create our marketing session. So we go to our left hand side menu and we’re going to select settings. Now, from settings, we’re going to go into sessions and events. And up here as we can see, we’ve got outer session. So we’re going to click that.. And from this dropdown, we want to make sure we select marketing, and we want to give this a name and a description that is sort of easily recognisable and identifiable. So I’m just going to call this scheduled lead call.
Call with lead. Now we can set how long we want this to go on for. Our calls are not going to be an hour, it’s only a very quick introduction called. So we’re just going to set these to 15 minutes. And of course we can select a colour as well that will appear in our schedule. We can set a purchase cost and we can include tax. Just for the purposes of this demonstration, I’m going to leave this blank. And because I’m also only scheduling calls with leads, I’m not going to be charging them for that. So I’m going to press save.. Now we’ve created our scheduled lead call session.
We now need to schedule some times for that. So let’s just, for argument’s sake say, I know that Friday is going to be my day where I want to call most of my leads. So I’m going to call this Friday. What venue is this being held at? So we can just select Jams. Select capacity of one as we’ll be calling one person at a time per slot, and in which area You can select this if you wish to do so. I’m just going to select Main Gym area. Change that back to one.
Now, if you have a specific member of your team that is going to be carrying out these calls on this set day, then you can select that name from the dropdown and it’ll be assigned to them. How often do we want this session or event to occur? We want this to occur weekly.
We want this to occur every Friday and we want this to occur. So we’re going to do our first call at 10 and we want that to begin from today. That’s going to last 15 minutes and it’s not going to make sure that doesn’t include a cost and that there’s no tax in there as well. We’re going to press save and what that will do is that we’ll schedule a session at 10:00 AM for us for today.
I’m just going to add another one in there as well. Friday, select the relevant – Areas and the capacity weekly because I want this to occur every Friday. And for this one I’m going to have this set to 1:00 PM. I’ll have this occur on the eighth, which is today, 15 minutes. Make sure that there’s no cost tied to it and we press save. So now what we’ve got is we’ve got a slot scheduled 10:00 AM and a slot scheduled for 1:00 PM.
Now what we’re going to need to do is create our marketing campaign. So if we go to settings, and then from our left hand side menu, if we select connect and promote and then we select campaigns. Now what we can do from here is we can begin to build out our campaign. So if we select ad, I’ll just move this over here. And if we were to select just for the purposes of this demonstration, I’m going to select 30 day trial, just that I’ve got some content already pre-built out for me. Now, going along these tabs here, the first thing we’re going to want to make sure is of the campaign type. So where that’s currently set to membership promotion, we’re going to click edit and we’re going to change that to appointment promotion, make sure campaign is still selected.
From our marketing session, we’re going to select our newly created one, which is scheduled lead call. And we’re going to press save. Now we want to have some additional signup questions just so that we can get some basic information from them just prior to the call. So what we can do is add question and we can tick this box here to make sure it’s required so that they have to complete and fill out the information. We can press the tick there to save that. So we put that as an additional question. There is also post registration, reach out and post booking reach outs, but you can remove those if you wish to do so.
So going onto our landing page here. Now what we can see is we’ve given a url. If we click the green clipboard, open up a new tab and paste that into our new tab, brought to our landing page. ’cause we selected one of the prebuilt campaigns. It’s already built out a landing page for us. Now we don’t want to be using this landing page in this instance because all we’re going to be wanting to send them is a link straight through to provide their details and select their call slot.
So in the URL at the top here where we’ve got slash C slash. L here, we’re going to change that L by pressing backspace. And we’re just going to press R. So we’re going to change that from an L to an R. Press enter. Now, as you can see here, we’re brought through to our form where we can collect, where we can collect some basic information. It’s going to ask for their name, their email address, mobile number to – Select venue. And if you’ve included any additional questions, they will be there as well.
So what we’re going to do is we’re just going to put in some base information here. Just going to fill this out, tick the box and plus register. And as we can see here, we’ve got scheduled tos that we can pick from that we scheduled in earlier. So we’ve got, we’ve got 10 o’clock, we’ve got one o’clock, and we’ve got quite a few options here that we can select from because those are the sessions that we scheduled. But if we were to select one of them, so let’s say Friday today at 1:00 PM and we select book slot, what we can see from our schedule here, if we go back over into Quoox, is we can see a scheduled lead call. And that is with the individual that just booked on.
So what you can do is you can just send them that link. Just go back here and You can just send them the link with the R in there and it’ll just take them through to that form so they won’t even see the landing page. It’s entirely up to you how you wish to do that. Of course, you could build out the landing page and send them a link to the landing page and make them go through that. It’s entirely up. But if we can help with anything else, please get in touch with us. please raise a ticket so we can assist.
Thank you.