Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video, I’m going to show you where you can view and make some edits to your Quoox subscription.
So we’re going to go ahead and go to the main menu on the left-hand side, we’re going to click Quoox Account and we’re going to go into My Subscription. Nice and easy, straightforward!
So within here, this is essentially where you can configure your Quoox subscription, your Quoox subscription!
Chapter One: Your Package & Add-Ons
But you can also add or change your authorised contacts as well. So essentially what you’re seeing here is where you can select add-ons, bolt-ons, Power Ups we like to call them as well, to basically add to your Quoox subscription.
So you’ll have your base package, which is your Quoox foundations. You’ll also then be able to see what selected ad-on’s you have selected either during signup or if you didn’t select any, then they would be unticked.
Within here, if they were unticked because you didn’t select any on sign up, you can add as many as you want within the Quoox subscription settings page. So if you signed up with just your base Quoox foundations account, and actually you’ve decided that you do want to look at KPIs and Metrics, and you’d rather use Message Centre instead of sitting on WhatsApp. And then you can go ahead and tick those and then give it about 15 minutes and they will become available within your Quoox account, within your Quoox platform.
If however you want to remove an add-on and or cancel your subscription, you need to raise a help request, and then that will be done on the backend by one of the team. And we’ll get that sorted for you and send you a confirmation. So that’s the packages and add-ons.
Chapter Two: Your Authorised Contacts (Raising Support Tickets)
You then have your Authorised Contacts. So within here, you can select two employees that are authorised for your subscription to basically make and raise any support inquiries, okay.
So it might be that I’m going to select myself and I’m going to select my colleague, Justin, purely on the name basis ’cause it’s my favourite name! I can change these whenever I wish. I just have to make sure that if I make any changes, I click save.
So if I click me and Justin and I click save, that change will come into effect. If Justin leaves for any reason and I’d be very sad, then I can remove Justin, I can make it Russ. And then again, I can save those changes.
Okay, so it’s two at a time, you can’t select any more. The system won’t allow you, so don’t bother trying, but you can give it a go if you really want! And you can make changes to who they are whenever you like, okay.
Chapter Three: Your Subscription Payments Methods
Payment methods, essentially. This is something that you have to have. So if you don’t have a card on your system, under payment methods, you will run in restricted mode. Okay, so you have to have a valid card attached to your account of which we can take payments and or a direct debit set up.
All right, so as I say, you have to have a valid card. If you don’t have a valid card, your system will run in restricted mode until a new one has been added. So please make sure you do that straight away.
If you have any questions on the Packages and Add-Ons, Authorised Contacts and, or Payment Methods, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, but we look forward to working with you and I hope you enjoy your Quoox account.