Hi guys, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video, I’m gonna show you how to create a payment plan, and attribute it to a membership.
So as always, we’re gonna start by going to my.quoox.com. We’re gonna login to our main dashboard. And then we’re gonna go straight over to the left-hand side of our menu, and we’re gonna click Settings. That will open up our secondary menu, and we’re gonna go into Membership Plans.
Now to create a payment plan, you have to go into the membership it’s going be attributed to. So let’s stick with the one that we’ve been creating and that’s 8x sessions per month. So what you can see here is if you watched our previous video, you’ll see how we created the membership plan. We’ve got what the membership’s known as, a bit of a detail around it, and when we’d want that membership to start.
Now we need to add a payment plan, so what we do is we click the green button and say Add. And again, I’ve said this throughout the last few videos around creating memberships, and sessions, and payment plans, and credit packs. If you keep it the same name, it makes your life so much easier when it comes to putting everything together. So let’s call this our 8x sessions a month. And again, you can put a description in here. You can copy and paste it from the membership plan. You know what you want to add there. We’ve made this as self-explanatory as possible, okay?
So we’ve put in the instructions when you’re entering the information, so that you should be able to go through this with no issues really.
So what is the subscription issue period and how many periods are in the membership? So where this is a monthly membership, we’re gonna have every one month, so one month. But you’ll see here on the drop-down that you’ve got the option of day, weeks, or months, but for argument’s sake, and for this demo, we’re gonna do every one month. And we might want to repeat this, for a year, it’s a yearly subscription, so twelve months. It might be that it’s a six month subscription. It could be that you have all of your members on a monthly rolling subscription. So you might just put one time to be repeated. And then at the bottom, you’ll see a tick box to say auto renew expiry.
So this is great if you have those monthly rolling memberships with your customers and you don’t necessarily want them to be committed, or you don’t have them committed to a six, nine or twelve month period. So it’s completely up to you how you put this information in, but just know that you can do it by either every one, two or three months for example. It’s really tailored as to how you would run your payment plans essentially.
So for this demonstration it’s gonna be every one month and it will repeat once with an auto renew expiry.
Here now is where we add the payments for joining fee, and the recurring fee. If this is for new members, for example, you may want to make a joining fee. For example, I’ve done 35.99, plucked the number out of thin air, and then you’d have to enter the tax that would be attributed to that.
Then you could specify your recurring fee, so eight sessions a month, that might cost fifty pounds every month. And then that would also include a 20% tax rate. Or if you have different tax, please feel free to put the right number in for you guys. Now how often should the payment be taken? If it’s a one-off, maybe it’s a trial, you’ve given someone an extra month after their 12 month period before they re-sign up, it could be any reason that you may want them to only pay once, that’s up to you. You can have that option here. You then have daily, weekly, or monthly. So it might be that they take the payment every one day. You’d be making loads of money, if you were doing that, so good for you. It might be weekly, but monthly is the most common, okay? And then within the monthly option, you have three other options that you can select from. So you can either have that payment recur every one month, on or as close to the payment anniversary, which would be let’s say if we set it up today, and then we added a member today, that would be today’s date, which whilst I’m filming is the 21st, and then it would come out every day as close to that as possible.
We then have the option of recurring every one month, on the first, or some gyms run either the first, or the 15th of each month.
Or you can recur it every one month, on the first, second, third, fourth, or last occurrence of a specific day.
So we’ve given as much flexibility to fit in with how you currently manage your payment plans. But for argument’s sake, and for this demo, I’m going to do it every one month, on the first day of each month. And I’m going to leave it as auto renew expiry. You might always have that box ticked anyway, to be honest, even if you put them on a six, nine or twelve month plan.
You may want it to auto renew at twelve months. And there’s ways that you can generate reminder emails, nearer the time, and I’ll show you how to do that in the system on another video.
So now we’ve done this, we’re going to Save.
You’ll see that our membership plan has been successfully created. It takes us back to our main overview page. And if we click on the payment plans tab, you will see our 8x sessions a month payment plan. Now you’ve got the payment plan within your membership plan. It’s all attributed to that membership.
And in the next video, I’ll be showing you how to attach credit packs in the deliverables.
If you have any questions as always go to support.quoox.com, and we’ll be happy to help. See you in the next video.