On June 20, 2024, Google retired its “legacy” FCM Push notification service and replaced it with FCM v1. From this date, sending Push notification messages to Android apps via the legacy FCM service is no longer possible.
iOS push notifications are sent using a different technology and are not affected by this change.
Version 1.8.8 (Android only) removes the legacy FCM functions and API calls and is positioned for FCM v1.
During development, our investigations showed that many Quoox app users use fairly old handsets and long-since retired versions of Android. Our goal is always to make the Quoox app accessible to as many gym members as possible.
Therefore, while we continue to explore this issue, push notifications to Android members may be converted to either traditional SMS text messages or to emails. This is to ensure the highest delivery rate possible and not penalise members who may be a little out-of-date with their technologies.
Whilst SMS messages bear a cost, where Quoox decides to convert a push notification to an SMS message, we do not pass this charge on to our customers. Whether an Android push message is converted to SMS or email depends on a number of factors, including volume of messages. Our aim is to deliver notifications, but not “hassle” the member.
iOS push messages remain unaltered and are delivered in the same manner they always have been. This media swap occurs only for Android devices, and is likely only for an interim period whilst we explore better options.
Members continue to receive their messages, as they always have. Quoox users continue to send push messages by the same means they always have. Any message media translation is seamless, occurs in the background, and is devoid of any cost burden to the sender or receiver.