Hi there and welcome to today’s video. In today’s video, we’re going to be going through the Quoox app, the functionality within the app, and how to navigate your way through it.
So the first thing we’re going to need to do is input the name of our facility into the top field. So if I begin here, and for the purposes of this demonstration, I’m gonna be using our demo gym. So I’m gonna type in and there we go. We can see Demo Gym has popped up, so I’m gonna want to click on that. Oh, I’m gonna want to click on that there. As that confirms my selection of my facility.
I’ve already inputted my email address that I use to log in, so I just need to put in my password and press login. Now that I’m logged into the app, I’m initially brought to the home screen here. And what I can see from this home screen is that I have a form and questionnaire that I need to complete. But what else we’re going to do is we’re gonna navigate around the app and just see what you can see, what you can see in the app and how we would navigate through it.
So we’re gonna go to our top left hand menu up here. And this is the three lines icon that is next to my cos. We’re gonna tap onto that and we’re going to go into Tell a Friend. Now what this allows us to do is it allows us to send an email to the facility, Including our friend’s name, email address, and some basic other information that we’d like to include and let’s them know that they’re available for contact for the gym and for the facility.
What else we’ve got in here is we’ve got my devices. So if I’m to click onto that now as we can see, we’ve got My Zone and Fitbit. Now I don’t currently have these integrated or linked into my profile, but if you are, if you are someone that does have a My Zone belt or a Fitbit that is linked and integrated with Quoox, you’ll be able to see all your metrics and all your data and information here.
Now, going over to Access Control, what this does is this produces a barcode. Now if your facility has enabled the use of a barcode scanner, this could be a page that you bring up and scan this barcode and that will get you access into the facility and also sign you onto that session.
So if we go into settings now, what we can do in here is we can select our preferred venue. So let’s say for example, our gym has a couple of different venues that they use and we want to use the one that we’re the most prominent and the most regular at. So we’ve selected chatsford. You can also change your password from within the app as well. So if I was to click change password, I could input what my current password is, what I want my new password to be, and I can change it through there as well.
We’ve also got the help section, and what this will do is this will load a webpage to our support base and to our support knowledge base where you can find all of the information regarding the various aspects of the system. And in particular, this will take you through to some pages regarding the Quoox app and we’ll assist you with any potential issues that you may face or any problems that you may have while logging in or any questions you may have just regarding the usage of the app in general.
And then we’ve got the about demo gym page here. So this tells us a little bit about the facility. If they’ve set that up and the facility has got that in place, you’ll be able to see some basic information here.
Now looking at the notifications along the top, we can see that I’m currently selected onto the home option. So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna select this option. As can see here, I’m brought to a menu with various tiles with various different options. Now, I’m not gonna click into every single one of these tiles today, but I just want to give you an idea and a feel of what the mobile app will look like and how it will function. So from within here, you can log various things such as your weigh-ins, you can log personal bests, you could also complete forms and questionnaires as well if you have one assigned to you.
Now the next thing we’re going to be looking at is the schedule. So if we tap onto the middle icon here, that looks quite like a calendar, we can select the different dates and we see the sessions that are on at those days and times and if we wanted to do so. And if our credits allow us to, we could click onto the relevant session and actually book this session and we get the option of how we would like to book that as well.
So moving on to our next option, what we’ve got here is our folders area. So any documents that have been uploaded or that you have uploaded yourself, you’ll be able to see them in here into your personal documents. As we can see here, for example, I’ve got a waiver form in there that I would’ve signed upon, sign up for a facility and that’s still saved in there for me to visit and view at any time.
And then last, but not least, we’ve got the venues. Now by clicking on this, I get a list of the venues that the gym I attend has, and also get a nice little map at the top here where I can see where those venues are located. So as we can see by the red pinpoint at the top here, we can see where our chance venue is.
That’s absolutely everything for the mobile app. I hope that helps and if you have any questions or any issues, please raise a ticket and get in touch with us and we’ll be more than happy to help.
Thank you.