Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video, I’m gonna show you how you can edit a specific session in your schedule.
So let’s start by logging into our main dashboard at my.quoox.com.
And we’re gonna navigate straight over to the main menu on the left-hand side, and we’re gonna click into schedule.
It’s worth noting here, guys: If you haven’t already set up any schedules for sessions that are recurring or one-offs, go ahead and check out my video in Onboarding called: “Creating A Session And Schedule.” And then you’ll know that once you’ve done that, you’ll see your sessions come up in your diary like we have here, otherwise stick along with me.
And if you’ve already created your schedule, like we have, you might have a specific session that you need to change rather than editing the whole schedule itself.
So let’s say for example, it’s today’s class at 6:00 p.m. We need to push it back half an hour, or our trainer can’t make it, so we need to change who’s leading the class.
Any change that you wanna make to one specific session, you select that session, so click on it, and then you’ll see in the options menu that you have Edit Session, so we’re gonna click on that.
Now, if you’ve gone through the onboarding and you’ve checked out my videos on how to create a session, a lot of this will look familiar to you, which is great.
So what you’ll see is you can kind of confirm that you’re working on the specific session you need because you can see it’s for small group on the 13th of October at six o’clock, and then you can change different parts of the session if you need to.
So maybe it’s that actually you wanna put on a reminder for this one specific session, maybe 30-minute push alert. Maybe it’s that you actually do need a specific member of staff to run the session, so we’re gonna make Justin Credible lead that session.
Or maybe it’s that, like I said, you need to push it back 30 minutes, and you’ve sent out a scheduled broadcast for your members so they know, whoever’s on this session, that they can come half an hour later.
So let’s say we’ve done what we need to do. So we’ve made a change to the start time, we’ve put that the lead staff member is Justin, and we’ve added a push alert as well.
We’re gonna click Save, and that has now edited the session.
And you can see that it has been pushed back to 6:30 PM in our schedule already.
So if you have any other questions on how to edit sessions, either specifically or as a group schedule, go ahead and get in touch, or check out my other videos at support.quoox.com.