Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video, we’re going to look at how you can set your venue closures within the system.
So to do that, we’re going to start by going to the Main Menu, and we’re going to go into Settings.
As always, that brings up our secondary menu. And within that, we’ve got Closures.
So we’re going to click into there. So essentially what you can do in here is set dates in which your venues are closed.
You can either do that for individual venues. If you’ve only got one, obviously that would be the case, or you can do it for all of them if you have similar close dates or the same close dates for all of your venues. So maybe at Christmas, for example, or other holidays, depending on where you are.
So what will happen when you add a closure is that Quoox will skip the scheduling of the sessions between those times. Any sessions that are already created will remain in place, but obviously your members will know that you’re closed because you’ve set the closure.
So to do that, you click the green button, Add Closure, you can select a specific venue, or you can select All Venues.
You can select when you’re closed from. So for example, if you’re closing for Christmas, maybe you’re closing on Christmas Eve and you’re going to be closed until the fourth because we’ve got an extra bank holiday and you can select the time as well.
So maybe you’re closing early on Christmas Eve at five o’clock and then you’re going to be open again at 6:00 AM, as always on the 4th of January. So you click the tick to save, and then essentially you’ve created your closure for all venues.
If you have specific closures for different venues, then you can obviously add multiple and you can set those times for when they need to be in for.
So that’s how you add forthcoming closures.
If you have any questions around this, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Otherwise, I’ll see you on the next video.