Hi Everyone and welcome to today’s video. What we’re gonna be going through today is the fitness hub members area, how to navigate through the members area and some of the different features and the different tabs and options that you have within the Fitness hub.
So each gym and facility that is with Quoox will have a fitness hub area that you can go through to and you can actually manage your account. You can book onto sessions and you can carry out all of the sort of general maintenance for yourself as you wish to do so.
So first of all, you’re gonna be brought through to a homepage for your gym site, for your gym’s Fitness hub site. Sorry. So what we can see on here is we’ve got some basic information about the gym and we’ve also got some links that we can click through to get to the relevant areas that we mean we may need to see and we may need to use to be able to book onto sessions and things like that.
So the first thing we’re gonna do is we’re gonna go along each of these tabs along the top here. We’re gonna go through each of the options and I’m just gonna show you what they can do, what you can do in there and how to navigate your way through. So the first thing is we’re just gonna start on schedule here and we’re gonna click onto our schedule.
So with the our schedule section, any sessions that your gym has in place, you’ll be able to see them here and providing you have the appropriate credits, you’ll also be able to book onto that session as well. So if we were to select View slash book, I could do book now and I could select either credits or my credit or debit card to book onto that session.
Now if we were to go back to schedule and look at workout of the day, now we see we don’t have a workout of the day that’s been assigned to us, but for some facilities they do like to utilise the workout of the day functionality within. And what they can do for that is they can create some workouts for you that are then assigned to you and you can carry those out at home or either in the gym, but that is how the workout of the day can work. And you can also click through the calendar to check through the various dates to see if there’s anything there.
Moving onto my Fit file. So I’m just gonna select my fit file and then select Sessions leaderboard. So what we’ve got here is it’s pretty self-explanatory, it’s our session sessions leaderboard. So if a gym does want to have this in place and set up, there can be certain criteria that once it’s met you can move up this board and you can actually see your rankings and create a bit of friendly competition amongst yourselves.
So now looking at the My Zone challenges, so as we can see here, again this is our demo gym site, so we might not have all the things in place here, but what we can see from the. My Zone challenges is if the gym or facility does create a challenge, you can click into that challenge. You can see how far along that challenge is, you can see what criteria needs to be met to actually progress and to participate in that challenge as well. You – Also do get a leaderboard. So again, that does just create a bit of friendly competition amongst the members.
Now we go onto the Fit Flick Demo Gym tv. Now what we can see in the Fit Flick Demo Gym TV is we’ve got various folders in here that have been put in here by our gym facility that we attend. So these could be videos of certain exercises of certain meals or just certain movements. So let’s say for example, I wanna, I wanna cook breakfast myself, but I want to have something that’s a little bit different to what I normally have. So I’m gonna have a look into my recipes folder. I’ve got a breakfast one, I can open that. Oh, and I’ve got a video in here for five healthy breakfast ideas. I can then view and play that video like so all from the Fitness Hub.
Now we’re gonna be looking at our exercise on demand. So what this is is these are exercises and workouts that will have been created by the facility and put into your section or you’re too complete. Now these workout, these exercises on demand, this could be one or two movements, this could be an entire workout, it’ll depend on facility to facility, but if you are remember that is looking to use this area. You can come into here and you can see the workouts that have been assigned to you.
We go to weigh-ins as we can see here, it’s pretty, pretty simple. This section, we can just press a button here to add a weigh-in and what date we’ve weighed ourself and we can save that. So that will then be logged in our Weigh-in section with the date. And we can also add more weigh-ins as well if we wish to do so.
We’ve got the same here for personal best, very similar to the weigh in section. So what we can do is we can press add an achievement, we can select an activity. So let’s just say for example, deadlift. And then in here we can put in what our personal best achievement is. Put in a hundred and press save. So now we can see that we’ve got a deadlift and a hundred kg as our personal best. Again, we can add as many of these in as we wish to do. So let’s say I held a plank for two minutes, I can save that and I’ve now also got that in there as well. Again, this is another really good way to sort of track your progress, see how you’re doing and see what sort of changes and gain you make over a set period of time.
Now we come into Body Hop. Now this is where you can take some progress photos. You can then select here from front side and back and upload the relevant images. You can also select if you want your facility to be able to view these images. And again, that is entirely up to you, but this is just another way that you can sort of gauge progress.
And Now by going on to insights. So what insights is if your Quoox profile is linked with your Myzone belt or your Fitbit for example, you’ll see all of your metrics at data and information here that has been logged against that device. As we can see, again, this is our demonstration account that I’m using. I don’t have a device linked up here. If I did, you’d be able to see calories burnt, you’d be able to see how much activity. I was doing, you know, beats per minute, calories and that kind of thing.
Coming over to the buddy section. So what you can do here, if you’ve got someone that attends the gym that you are really good friends with, you want to sort of see what sessions they’re attending and attend the same sessions. You come over to this bit, select Buddies, my fit file, select buddies, send a buddy request and input the relevant email address or buddy code.
And now we’ve got forms and questionnaires. So if you were to have a form or a questionnaire assigned to you, this is where it would appear in the forms and questionnaire section here. You could then go into that form and complete it and fill that out as need be.
So coming over to documents, so we’ve got my documents and upload documents,. I’m just gonna click onto my documents first. So what we’ve got here now this is very similar to, if you remember when we were looking at the breakfast videos, the different folders and files that we get. Well this is an area for you to upload your own personal documents and files. There might be some photos. It might be a way for you to again track your progress through sort of visual representation. That’s entirely up to you, but you could then go through into these folders and you can view and download the relevant documents.
It could also from the upload documents tab as it says, upload your document and give that a brief description so you know what that is as well.
Now coming over to the store. Now this one can really be facility dependent. It depends on if they’ve got this enabled or not. But the first area of the store we’re gonna have a look at is ad hoc credits. And as we can see my f my demo facility here, it allows me to purchase credits on an ad hoc basis. What I can do if I do have my card linked to my profile is I could select buy now that will go into my basket, I could check out and I don’t have a card added onto this account, but I could select the relevant card pay now and I’d have those credits in my account ready to use and to click onto some sessions.
It’s the same for the membership packages as well. So let’s say for example, I want to go for the 30 day challenge. I can select that. I can now see that’s gonna cost me 199 and I can buy that now, again, following the same process as we did with the credits, it’s just a slightly different option that you’re selecting membership packages here.
Then we’ve got the MyZone Belt store that I have just clicked that takes you through to the MyZone store where you can purchase a belt or any other equipment that you’d like to do. So that works with your facility and gym.
And then we’ve got Brow store. So some of your gyms and facilities, they might sell some products like T-shirts, they might sell protein shakes, that kind of thing. If you click onto browse our store, we can see those items in there and we can actually make our purchases through here as well. So let’s say I want the protein shake, I can select the protein shake, I can select how many I’d like, I can add that to my basket and I can check out and pay by using my card.
I’ve also got some shipping options here as well because I’ve selected an item through the store. So I could either collect that in person at the gym or they can post that out to me if your facility offers that option.
And then you’ve got your order history. So this is where you can see any orders you’ve previously made when you made them and how much they cost you.
So the last tab that we’re gonna be coming over to is my account. Now the first one we’re gonna go into is my profile and what we can see here is we’ve got all of our basic information, we’ve got our name, we’ve got what we’re known as our title, email address, we’ve got mobile numbers. This is where we can come and edit all of our personal information. So we potentially get a new mobile number, we can input that in there and we just make sure we press save as well.
We’ve got to my membership. So this is where you can see your membership. You can get some basic information about your membership. You can see the membership, you’ve got your payment plan when you started that membership, when your next credits are due, when your next payment is due, and by how much into book sessions and events.
So if we booked onto a session that’s in the schedule, this is where we’d see it, it would tell us the time, the day, it would also tell us what session it’s that we’re attending as well. And then in booking history what we can also see is a sort of larger period of time. So this is for the past 12 months as it states here and we can see our bookings onto that session if we attended or not or if we cancelled.
And now look at adding a payment card. So from this section here from my account, add a payment card, we could select the add a card button here. If you already have one you can select, you can select to add a new card. But we could select add a card and then input our card information like so and create and save that. So our card is now saved and linked to our profile if you wish to pay by direct debit as opposed to card in your gym facility is happy with this, you can then look at setting up a mandate.
Please note it does take up to five working days to set up a mandate and any payments due during that time will be made by the card. But you could press set up mandate, it would take you through to the GoCardless page and you can begin to fill out relevant forms and details to set up the direct debit with Quoox.
Just gonna press back so we get back to our fitness hub if it will let me go back to our fitness hub, just like that.
Now the very last thing that we’ve got is we’ve got some contact information at the bottom here so we can see the address for our facility, we can see the number. We can also click on that as well. If we were viewing it from a mobile device, we’d then be able to make a call. We could also click the email address and we can send an email to the gym if that’s how you’d prefer to get in touch.
And we can also select download our contact card, which if you’re doing this from a mobile device, what this will do is it will automatically put them into your contacts for you. So you’ll have their number and email address already saved.
And then we’ve also got our venues. So if your facility has a couple of different venues, you can click onto that and see where they’re, we’ve then also got download our member app. So what this will do is it’ll take you through to a link to download the app for either the Android or for the Apple store depending on the device that you use.
And the last thing is a link to our privacy policy and terms and conditions and necessary page that we need to have on the gym website.
So I hope that walkthrough has been helpful with navigating the fitness hub and the host of options and sort of elements you have within there. If you need anything more from us, please get in touch and we’d more than happy to help.
Thank you.