Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
So in this course of videos, we have looked at the KPIs and Metrics within Reporting. We’ve gone through the 12 Month Overview, the Performance Drilldown, the Member Snapshot and Session Analysis, and all of the reports in detail within that.
So if you’ve stuck with me through all of the videos, thank you, and well done! Some of them are, you know, quite straightforward, but it can help a lot of people just to get their head round a lot of data quite quickly. So hopefully you found them useful.
The final tab we have within KPIs and Metrics is the Settings tab.
Now, as you’ll see from my screen, there’s barely any information here, which is great! One last thing to talk you through, but essentially you can tailor certain elements of the KPI calculations and display by amending these two pieces of information.
So what you’ve got here is your Member Inactivity Period in days, and then your Target Sessions Per Month.
So if you’ve got a specific target that you want your facility to reach in terms of how many members attend in a month, you can change that here.
And then you’ve got your member inactivity period by days, which you can also change here.
And that will feed into different reports within both the Performance Drilldown and Member Snapshot, and you’ll be able to see average sessions versus the target for example, and inactive and active members based on that number. So make sure you put it in, in alignment with what your facility is looking to achieve.
But if you have any questions around this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Otherwise, I’ll see you on the next course of videos and that’s been our KPIs and Metrics.
See you soon.