Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this course of videos, we’re looking at KPIs and Metrics within Reporting, and we’re now looking at our Session Analysis tab.
So within this, we get different reports based on the filters that we’re looking at. So to give you an overview, what we’re currently looking at is a session summary of All Venues and All Session Types at a year to date.
Now, what we’ll also see is Sessions By Day Of Week. But if we filter to a specific Session Type, that will then give us different reports that we’ll go through individually, including Sessions By Lead Coach and Sessions By Start Time.
But let’s start with the Session Summary.
So if we look at All Session Types for this breakdown, what this shows us is a breakdown of attendance and demand per session type. So any sessions that you’ve created in your Quoox platform will show here under Session Name, and then we’ve got different pieces of data and information that we’re giving you.
So you’ve got your Total Number Of Sessions, the Total Capacity within those sessions, and then the Total Bookings.
You then also have the Total Percent Filled, which is the total percentage of capacity filled over the period.
And then you have the Average Percent Filled, which is the average percentage of bookings versus capacity for the sessions over the period.
Now, when I say the period, that’s because you can change said period in your filter options at the top, we’re currently looking at year to date. You might want to look at month on month.
You then have how many people were Left On The Wait List. Thus, giving you an idea of the demand.
How many were Auto Booked onto this session. Again, how many people are keen to ensure that they’re always on said sessions, and then you’ve got the Average Pre-Book Time.
So how far in advance are people booking for specific sessions.
So quite a lot of information in that session summary, especially when you’re looking at it based on all of those sessions, but for the sake of the future videos in this course, I’m going to filter it to a specific session to show you what the other reports bring.
And if we were to do that for the session summary, we can get a nice clean view on all of that information based on just that one session.
Now don’t forget, you can also download all of these reports, which is just behind my little head here. So feel free to download the information and have a deeper look into that if you wish.
But if you’ve got any other questions around the Session Summary, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Otherwise, I’ll see on the next video.