Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
So in this course of videos, we’re now looking at the Performance Drilldown tab within our KPIs and Metrics.
And we’re now looking at the Revenue By Type By Month report.
Now, if you’ve watched the previous videos on the 12 Month Overview, you’ll have had a good understanding of what this report shows you. The main difference within the Performance Drilldown tab is that you can filter the time in which you’re looking at this report. So you can change the date ranges so that the data you’re getting is specific to those date ranges and it feeds into this report specifically.
So to give you an example of what we’re working with at the moment, we’re looking at year to date, but it might be that you want to look at the month to date for that report, so if I update my report data, I can see that for November, what my month by month revenue by revenue type analysis is, so this is telling me that I’ve made 357 pounds by memberships.
I haven’t made anything through pay as you go credits or additional cost credits. My sessions have brought in 318 pounds. I haven’t sold anything through the store. I haven’t got any refunds that have been processed and my total amount made in terms of revenue within that month.
Then what you’ll see on the right-hand side is a breakdown in a visual format of the memberships, credits, sessions, and store.
So the information that’s being pulled through here, and I can, as always, remove one to focus on just one specific number, take another one away and play around with that report to get a different visual.
If you want to get more information, you can change all of your dates here as I mentioned in the previous video. So you can filter that and you’ll see that different information pulls through.
And you’ve got more that you can see on the actual report itself. So if I remove sessions, I’m looking at my memberships for the year to date, and I can see that October was a great month. It was getting, it was quite quiet in July. What’s the difference?
And I can start analysing that information in more detail.
That’s Revenue By Type By Month. If you have any further questions on this, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Otherwise, I’ll see you on the next video for the next report.