Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
So in this course of videos we’re now looking at the Performance Drilldown tab within KPIs and Metrics, and we’re now onto the Conversion and Attrition report within that.
So as always, we’ve got a brief overview of what this report is telling us. And in this case, it’s a review of Enquiries, Trials, Conversions and losses across the period that you would have selected, of anything inbound, essentially.
So what we have here is a breakdown of the different enquiry sources. You’ll have seen these when creating campaigns.
You’ve got Campaign; Email Enquiry; Facebook; your own website; Telephone Call; Twitter; Walk-ins or Unknown.
Then you have a breakdown of how many came through ad hoc. So if you put them through the system ’cause they were a walk-in.
How many were generated as leads and where they came from.
How many enquiries you had in total and out of those, how many converted as leads.
Now, bear in mind, if I scroll back up on the report, this is looking at the year to date and the difference between this tab and the 12 Month Overview is that you can filter what dates you want to look at.
So it might be that you want to look month on month on your conversion and attrition, to see if you had a specific campaign running: Did it work? How many leads did you gather?
You can get that within here.
You can also then see on a secondary report within this kind of field, if you will, is Trial Sales.
So did you have 30 day challenges? Maybe you’ve got trial sessions. How many sales did you make off the back of that and your total number?
And then finally on the right hand side, you also have your Membership Moves. So, how many people started a specific membership type.
Now bear in mind, this will be populated with all the memberships that you have created within your Quoox platform, and how many of them may have ended. So you’ll be able to see how many losses you may have made on specific memberships and maybe be able to start drilling down as to why, if you have certain reasons that you can think of.
Now, again, you can filter this based on date ranges. So you’ll be able to see if it’s on month on month, if it’s per quarter, if you want to, and you can download the data using the button on the top right-hand side.
Now it’s worth noting, as I did on the 12 Month Overview version of this, we purposefully don’t give you conversion rates within this because it’s based on the data that you feed into the system. If for any reason you’re tracking information elsewhere, that conversion won’t be correct. And the way it’s calculated doesn’t always make sense in terms of the conversion numbers.
So if you then want to go and download the report, the raw data will be there for you to manipulate and you can put your own conversion rates within that and basically see what’s going on within your business.
So that’s Conversion and Attrition. If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Otherwise, I see you on the next video for the next report.