Hi and welcome to Quoox University.
In today’s episode, I’m going to be going over nurture programmes and how to include nurture programmes into your lead capture campaigns. So first of all, what we would like to do is log into our Quoox platform and we would see our dashboard like so.
Now, from the left hand side, we’re gonna want to go to connect and promote. And from connect and promote, we’re gonna wanna select Nurture. Now, from here is where we can begin to build out our nurture programme and create the steps and the content that our members will receive through it. So what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna select add a nurture programme and we’re gonna add a lead nurture programme.
In the programme name, we’re gonna call this Healthy Eating. And in our description, we’re gonna put something that briefly explains what this nurture program’s going to be about and what content our members are going to be receiving.
So in the description here, I’m just going to put Healthy Eating nurture programme for leads that download our e book. And what I’m going to do here is I’m gonna select Save and now I can really start to build out my nurture programme and the elements within that nurture programme.
So what I’m gonna do here is I’m gonna add a standard email message And I can set my release point here. So I want this to go on day one and I want this to go at one o’clock. Now want do I want the subject or the title of my email that the lead will receive to be? Healthy Eating Guide.
And I could include an attachment with that and some more content that they would receive.
So I’m going to put in the body of the text of the email here. It’s going to be hi. Thank you for downloading our e book. Please see the attached document, which will support your healthy eating decisions. Now, what this will mean is that our members will receive this nurture programme if they have signed up and come through our campaign.
What we can also do within this message is we can include some merge fields and we can use them from the dropdown over here. So we could include our business trading name if we wanted to do so. We could include our website URL.
We could include our business’s address if we wish to do so, if we wanted them to be able to get in contact with us. We’ve got a multitude of options through the merge fields here, and this can be done through this dropdown and it’ll populate those down here for you.
Now, if I press save, that will mean that we’ve built out a standard email that will be received by our leads, sorry, on the first day at o’clock. So that’s our nurture programme created. It’s a simple message with an attachment that they will receive when they come through. So if we press save here, So we’ve now created our Healthy Eating nurture programme that is going to go out to our leads.
Now, what we need to do is tie that nurture programme in with a campaign. So to be able to do that, we’re gonna go to our left hand side menu again and we’re gonna go to connect and promote and we’re gonna select campaigns.
Now, if you haven’t already seen our video on how to create and set up a campaign, please watch that video first before that you carry on with this next step ’cause this will greatly assist you. So what we’ve got here is a number of campaigns. I’m just gonna move my face up to the top here. We’ve got a number of campaigns here and what I’m gonna be wanting is my lead campaign. So I can see that I’ve got Healthy Eating Guide e book. I know this has been previously created and it’s for lead captures.
So I’m gonna select the edit button here and I’m gonna go to my post registration reach outs tab. Now, from the post registration reach out tab, I can include a nurturing programme and I want to include my Healthy Eating nurture programme that I just created. And I’m gonna go back to our summary over here and return to campaign listing.
So what we’ve done there is we’ve created a nurture programme for leads. We’ve also assigned that nurture programme to a campaign that our leads could potentially be coming through and provide them with some more content and more incentive for them to sign up to our gym.
Thank you very much for watching.
We look forward to seeing you on the next episode.
Thank you.