Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video, I’m going to show you how you can view, add, and manage leads.
So let’s start by logging into our platform, our main dashboard at my.quoox.com. We’re going to prove that we’re not a robot, and then we’re into our main dashboard. So this is the dashboard you know and love.
Chapter 1: Locating Leads In Quoox
And we’re going to go into our main menu on the left-hand side, and we’re going to click on “Connect and Promote”. And within here we’ve got “Leads”.
So we’re going to click on “Leads”.
Now what will come up, similar to your Member Listing is your Leads Listing.
Chapter 2: Overview
So you’ll have different information that shows, you’ll have their email address, if they’ve had any interaction, what that has been. Which is great, you can see it at first glance.
So you’ve got campaign registrations, how many appointments they might have booked, when their most recent response was, and when their last appointment was, if they’ve booked one.
You can then see when they’ve registered and how warm that lead is. So you might want to keep an eye on your warm ones first, for example, or maybe you want to work harder on the colder ones. It’s up to you.
Chapter 3: Viewing A Lead’s Details
If you want to view that lead, you can either double-click or you can click on the pencil and that will take you into their information.
So for Brian, we’ve got his email address, mobile number, main location.
We’ve got what their health and fitness goals are.
We can see down here what campaign registrations they’ve been active in. So they downloaded the Healthy Eating Guide eBook. They wanted to start the 6-Week Fitness Challenge and then change their mind. And then they’ve also looked at registering for a Taster Session, but they haven’t booked the appointment.
So we’ve got good information here, in terms of what Brian’s been up to now that he’s a lead in the system.
You can also add more information and I’ve covered this on understanding the leads and what their tabs are.
But you’ve got calls, so you can log any calls that you might’ve made through the system to Brian. You’ve got any messages, and you’ve got your reach-outs and nurturing. So what we can see here is that he’s not on a nurture programme at the moment, but we can see what he has received in terms of reach-outs.
Chapter 4: Adding A Nurture Programme To A Lead
If you want to add him to a nurture programme, you can click on the green button, add nurture programme from here.
You can select what nurture programme, so it might be the lead nurture programme.
You might want to start it from today, or you can select when you’d start that from. So it could be a week in advance.
Click the tick, and then next week on Monday, our lead nurture programme will start for Brian and he’ll start receiving that.
To understand how you create a nurture programme, watch my other video on creating nurture programmes in the Quoox University and then you can come back here and add it to all your leads if you want to. But for now, that is how you view your leads from the leads listing.
Chapter 5: Manually Adding A Lead To Quoox (eg walk-in, phone enquiry, etc)
I’m going to show you how you can then add a lead.
So you can do that from your leads listings.
You can click “add” on the top left-hand side, and you can see here it’s a lot less information required than a member because obviously they’re a lead, we won’t have all of that information.
So you can put their first name, their last name, obviously that you can see which bits of information are required. So we can put [email protected], and then we can put, I don’t know a mobile number.
Now, that’s the basic information you need to be able to add them as a lead. So you need to have some information to be able to go out and contact them. What the preferred venue is.
You can select, if you’ve only got one, obviously only one will come up.
Then you can also add to the source of the lead. So you can really see where your new business is coming from. Maybe it was a walk-in, maybe it was a staff member and they don’t know where they came from. They just took it in from, from earlier that day. But then you’ve got other options.
Like it could be a campaign that you’ve created through the system, email, Facebook, your own website, or a phone call. Anything, really. So it’s up to you, what you put in here.
So I’m going to say that they’ve come from a walk-in, for example.
Now, if you wanted to, you could also register the lead for a campaign. So again, watch the video on how to create campaigns and how you can use them. And you can see that while that might be relevant, but if you don’t want to, you can leave “do not link to a campaign” as your option.
And once you’ve saved, that we’ll come up with your lead profile page, basically.
So essentially what we just looked through for Brian has now been created for Test Testering, and we’ve got all of that information here and we can start adding more and more as we go.
So if we’ve got any notes, maybe a conversation we’ve had, and then we can also edit any information if we need to.
And then we can also convert them from a Lead to a Member, and you can confirm that before you go through.
That is how you view, manage, and edit your leads under “Lead Listings”. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch or check out our other videos at support.quoox.com. I’ll see you soon.