Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
So in this course of videos, we’re looking at the FitnessHub. It’s worth remembering this is obviously from a member’s perspective. So this is really for you to be able to educate your members on how they can use it, where to guide them for certain pieces of information, and to give you a nice overview of what they’re seeing when they log in to book in, and see things from your facility.
So in this video, we’re going to focus on the schedule.
So I’m going to go ahead and click on the schedule.
You’ll see that it auto-populates to the day that we’re on. You can obviously filter that and go to days in the future if you want to look at specific sessions, for example, you know that you want to book in for a Saturday morning class, et cetera, et cetera.
You then also have a filter option. So I know that my, as a member main facility is Chelmsford, for example. So I could do that and apply the filter, and only the Chelmsford location sessions will show. So I know that I’m not booking into one in Norwich and I’m nowhere near.
So I can then see the time of the session, what the session is called, how much it’s going to cost me in credits, and or pay as you go cost, if I’m a pay as you go member, and I can see what location it is within the gym, as well as my main location, but I filtered. So that’s fine.
So it may be that I want to book into Industrial Strength. I can view how many spaces are left and then I can click view and book, and then I’ll be able to Book Now, and I can choose whether I can use my credits or a pay as you go cost.
Now, as this said, member, I don’t have enough credits or maybe my credits aren’t valid for this particular session. So I’d be able to go ahead and pay by debit or credit card within the system with a card that I’ve pre-saved, or I can add a new payment method. So I can do that here.
If I wanted to and was able to book with credits, then I’d be able to book now and select the credits option.
That is essentially the Schedule. If you have any questions on how to explain this to your members or anything around how the Schedule works within the FitnessHub, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Otherwise, I’ll see you on the next video.