Hi. Welcome to Quoox University.
In this course of videos, we’ve been looking at the FitnessHub as a member, and we’re now in the FITfile section of the FitnessHub, and we’re going to be looking at Forms And Questionnaires, which from what I’ve gathered is one of your guys’ favourite places because it saves lots of paperwork and it gets everyone filling out the forms and questionnaires that you need them to.
So this is what it looks like from a member’s perspective.
Now, if you’ve assigned me as a member, forms or questionnaires to fill out, they will come to this section of the FitnessHub. You can also do this in the app, and there’ll be separate videos on how to do that in the app. Essentially, it works the same, but any that you’ve added to the member, or it might be that you’ve added to a group of members, specific memberships, any forms and questionnaires will come in here.
So I’ve got my PAR-Q questionnaire to fill out and I’ve got my Weekly Check-In. Now, I can see when it’s been issued. I’ve been a very naughty girl and haven’t filled out my PAR-Q for a very long time! But my Weekly Check-In has been scheduled for today.
And if I click to view that, it basically gives me a overview of what the Weekly Check-In is. So if for any reason, I wasn’t made aware of this – which you can do in Nurture Programs, watch my videos! – then this will give me an overview of what that is.
And then I can click into next. And essentially start answering the questions within the Weekly Check-In.
So how am I feeling about my week at the gym? I’m very happy. I’ve done very well. I can click next. I’m not going to teach you how to suck eggs because this isn’t going to be you using it, it’s going to be your members. But essentially, you can give your members an overview of how this works, that’s what we’re doing here.
I can go through the questionnaire as easy as this. I can answer questions with free text, drop downs. It depends on how you’ve preset it within the Quoox platform, but essentially, it’s all done within my FitnessHub or my app. So I don’t have to go and fill out a form for you either in person or on paper.
If you have any questions on how Forms And Questionnaires works within the system or within the FitnessHub, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Otherwise, I’ll see you on the next video.