Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this course of videos, we’re looking at the FitnessHub from a member’s perspective, and we’re currently focusing on the My Account section of the FitnessHub.
Within the My Account section, as a member, I can add a payment card to the system.
So, I can see what the facility that I’m a member of uses in terms of Stripe. And this allows credit and debit card payments. I can see that I can add a card, and I can also see any cards that I’ve already got attributed to my account.
So I can click the Add a Card button and it will take me through the process of adding my card number and details. I can add my name and a mobile number, and then I have to add my address as well.
It’s important to make sure your members know that any card there are adding, the address must match the address associated with their card. But you can direct your members to do that within their My Account section of the FitnessHub.
If you have any questions around this, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Otherwise, I’ll see you on my next video.