Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this course of videos, we’re looking at the FitnessHub as a member. So I’m showing you what this looks like as I’m logged in as a member.
And we’re now going to look at the Documents section within the FitnessHub. So I’m going to click into Documents and that’s going to take me straight to My Documents.
So this is where any documents that you as a facility have uploaded for your members to view.
You can put these into different folders so that they know that they’re categorised in certain ways, and you can guide them to the right places. But this example shows that we’ve got on-boarding collateral, for example. I’ve got documents on gym kit essentials that I should have.
You can have different types of on-boarding documents. Maybe it’s how you manage the work/life balance. Something that you’ve added to the system for your members to have a read through and to have access to.
You can see there’s multiple different folders with all different types of information in there. So you have personal documents that also has my injury records, any waiver forms, invoices as well.
So you can really categorise this section for your members and upload documents for them.
Now, you can also allow members to upload their own documents. So I can either do that as a member from here by clicking upload, or I can go to the documents tab and click upload documents, and that will bring me to the same page.
Now, I have to upload a description or a caption, and then I can select my files from my computer and upload photos, documents, anything that might need attention from you guys, or maybe it’s something that I needed to upload for my own records as a member.
So I can do that within the FitnessHub.
If you have any questions around documents, uploading as a member or how you can upload them to a member’s profile, don’t hesitate to get in touch or check out my other videos on how to do that @support.quoox.com.