Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video, I’m gonna talk you through a employee’s profile and all of the different tabs and information attributed to it.
So let’s go ahead and take a look by going to my.quoox.com. We’re gonna log into our main dashboard.
Once we’re logged in, we’re gonna go to our main menu on the left-hand side, we’re gonna go down to manage and we’re gonna click into employees.
It’s worth noting that when you’re setting up an employee, you have to create them as a member first and then promote them to an employee. If you don’t know how to do that or if you haven’t already watched my video on how to do it, go ahead and take a look in the Quoox University on setting up an employee, okay. But if you’ve already done all that, we’re gonna be here.
So we’re gonna go to our employees listing and let’s go into Justin Credible because I just think it’s the best name ever and we’ll have a look at his profile together.
Chapter 1 Summary Page Overview
So as with your members, for example, you come straight to their summary page. So we’ve got a nice picture of our employee, Justin, we’ve got his contact email address, we’ve got what primary venue they’re available, that they are registered at or work at if you will, what their job title is and their employee type.
You could also have their contact number here, so it’s worth finding that information and you can update that when you view them as a member. So you’d click on member record and upload their details, okay. But for now, let’s go back to Justin’s employee record, okay.
Now, what else we can see on the summary page, is (if) there any assignment groups that he’s been added to. Now, you can create groups and lists in the lists and groups settings page. I’ve also got another video on that, so go ahead and watch that on how to create your own. But for now, this is just showing you how you can then add your employees to said groups and then you can send out certain notices, notifications, messages, emails. Whatever it is you need to do with your staff, you can do that based on their assignment groups as well, which is great.
Worth noting that if you add them to another group, please click on the save groups and that will save any changes you’ve made on this page. Otherwise you’ll lose them and wonder why they’re not getting those communications. Perfect, that’s the summary tab.
Chapter 2 Notes & Documents
Let’s go and have a look at notes and documents. It’s quite straightforward. That’s what it says on the tin! It essentially hosts any notes and documents attributed to Justin.
You can see what documents you’ve got here. You can also add any new ones if you want to and then you’ve got the options in the dropdown of what type of a note or document you’re creating. So it might be that it’s a Word document. You might be adding a note. Maybe there’s certain things he can or can’t do. Maybe he’s off, anything like that. You can also record any incidents, add member forms if you need to and generate from some templates.
So if you click on generate from a template, you’ll find any PDF content documents from the Quoox Template Library and then you’ve got options.
When you click in, you can add an employee contract. It might be that you’re adding a nutrition plan, for example. So there’s lots of options in here and you can use that for what you wish within the remits that we’ve provided here.
Chapter 3 Roles & Remuneration
Now let’s move on to roles and remuneration.
So in here, this basically records the roles undertaken by Justin, okay. So any respective remuneration that that role brings and these link to the shift patterns and a new role types which as it states at the top, can be defined in your settings.
So for Justin, we know that he’s a duty manager. His primary venue is Chelmsford, but we can also select if he’s available to work at any other venues should you have more than one facility. So you can either select one, all of them, a few of them, it’s completely up to you.
Then you have their employment start date. You also have the option to put their employment end date. It might be that maybe they’re on a fixed term contract or you just need to log that they’ve ended their employment with you, that is available here and then you can also select what dashboard they see when they log into their Quoox account, whether it’s the main dashboard or their Exercise Hub. Again, any changes made, please always remember to click save.
Now what we have here at the bottom is adding any rules, okay. So what we can see is that we’ve got core duties, what the holiday and absence rate would be. If they’re on a trainer role, that would be £12 an hour and if they’re doing a cleaning rota in addition to their usual day shifts that they might get five pounds a day for that.
If you wanna add a new role, you can click the green box on the top-left of the area and that will bring up the options within that screen to add the start date, end date, select the role type here and then you can add any remuneration or pay that’s attributed to that essentially. Make sure you click on the green tick once you’ve done that if you want to save it and then you’ve got your additional role added here.
Chapter 4 Shifts
Let’s move on to shifts.
So this is our shift manager. You can see what shifts are within Justin’s day, if you will, week, whatever view that you want to look at, but we can see that Justin’s attached to a shift at five till 9:00 pm at Chelmsford on the 4th of October and you can add any notes and this will be visible to the employee should you do that.
If you want to show only published, you can hide unpublished shifts. So it might be that some of them were a draught. It might be that your seeing how that works in the system first. You can show all of them if you want to.
You can also clone shifts in here. You can show sessions if you wish and you can also add shifts with the pop-up that comes up as well.
So you could select that you’re gonna add a shift for next Monday and it’s gonna a 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and then you can put that they’ve got a 15 minute break and then you can select what venue, what role they’ll be doing that day, so it’s gonna be called duties. Now, you can put that this shift is up for grabs and then any employee that you have in your system can look to book onto that or you can set it to a specific employee and then you can publish that as well and that will show in next week’s shifts, okay.
You’ve also got your key at the bottom here which shows you whether it’s a session, a holiday absence, an employee shifts or an unpublished shift, so you can see that very clearly based on the colours and the key at the bottom.
Chapter 5 Timesheets
Perfect, now we can also go and look into our time sheets.
So let’s have a look at time sheets. What you’ll see here is any entries from a specific date range. So this is looking at the 26th of September to the 2nd of October. You can change that based on these filters here with the calendar view. You might wanna look from the 1st of September to the 1st of October and then you can see all the time sheet entries added within that, hard worker our Justin Credible!
And then you’ve also got options at the top. So you can amend or edit what can be seen by employees. You have three options here.
You’ve got that the employee can not view or edit their time sheet, that they can view, but not to edit their time sheet, or that they can view and edit their time sheet.
So it’s up to you what permissions do you want to add here.
You’ve also got the options as to whether the ad hoc shifts are or are not permitted and then you can exclude from payroll calculations or include them. So you’ve got the options to update that on the right-hand side and make that as you wish for it to be and then you can also add ad hoc shifts here as well.
So maybe they came in on Friday at nine o’clock, we had a team meeting and they needed to log their hours and then they had an hour on the gym floor, so maybe they were there till 12 o’clock. They didn’t have a break and they were there for trainer duties at Chelmsford for example and you can log that, okay. So you can add ad hoc shifts in this area as well. That is time sheets.
Chapter 6 Holidays & Absences
Now let’s have a look at holidays and absences.
Again, very similar to most of the tabs here. It’s really easy to log any information by clicking the green add absence button.
It brings up the options within the box, within the same screen.
It might be that they wanna book their holiday for a week off, so they’re gonna be off from the 18th to the 22nd. Then you have the absence types, okay.
So you can put compassionate leave, holiday, maternity or parental, sickness or time off in lieu.
So it might be that Justin’s been incredible and he’s been working loads, so we’re gonna give him a week off in lieu because he didn’t take any holiday. It’s gonna be paid. It’s been approved and we’re gonna save that here. What you’ll also see is whether it’s been processed or not under actions. So we can see that a previous, very old holiday absence has been paid and been processed and who it was approved by, okay. You can also add what their standard hours are per working day and then this will help with working out what they get paid for their holiday absences.
Chapter 7 Security
All right, the last tab you have here is security.
Now, this is where you can optionally specify an additional IP address or ranges from which the employee can access the portal.
It’s worth noting that if you set this, it may affect how they can access the Quoox system. So there’s some important notes to read through here.
As just mentioned, any incorrect use could lead to the employee being unable to access the system and you should only use the feature if you’re confident that you have a static IP address and that you understand how it works. If you have any questions around this, you can get in touch with us at support.
So you can either go through the help button, which you may have seen on my how to get help video. If you click on the dropdown by your name and gym facility name on the top-right and click help, it takes you to a help page based on that specific function that you’re looking at, okay. So keep that in mind.
But that is an overview of the employee profile and the information attributed to an employee.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch or check out our other videos at supportquoox.com.