Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this course of videos, we’re looking at viewing and creating campaigns. And now we’re gonna look at how you can actually create a campaign from scratch.
So we’re in our campaigns listing page. If you don’t know how to get here, go and check out the first video. We’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna click add on the top right, the green button.
Now, what that does is it brings up a list of essentially templates that we’ve already created for you. By all means you can use the empty campaign, which essentially will start you from scratch and that’s great, or you can utilise one of the many sort of preset templates that we’ve created.
Now we’ve done this based on what we most likely think you guys might use, so things like a 30 day free trial or trial, if you charge them for it six week challenges, consultations, maybe if you want people to book specific appointments all the way through to diet plan promotions or ebook signups. So there’s lots of different options that you can use here. One common one is a membership purchase as well, but it’s completely up to you whether you want to use one of those or click an empty campaign.
I’m actually gonna show you what it looks like if you click onto a specific template and what kind of information that populates quickly.
So if we go into the 30 day trial, that will open up a campaign that’s populated with specific information around what type it is, what campaign start and finish date you might have. So at the moment it goes any time and ongoing, but you can edit this and I’ll have another video on more detail around that, but essentially it’s pre-populated certain pieces of information.
And in the next few videos, I’m gonna take you through each tab in a bit more detail. So that’s how you create a campaign.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch or check out my other videos in this course. And we’ll look to help you from there.