Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
So in this course of videos, we’ve been looking at how you can view and create a campaign. I’ll have just shown you how you can create one. And now I’m gonna explain to you what the different tabs within a campaign mean once you’ve created it. So I’m gonna go into one that’s already been created so I can show you the different pieces of information that you’ll get.
Chapter 1: Overview
And to do that, I’m gonna click on the pencil and edit the campaign.
So the campaign I’ve gone into is a Healthy Eating Guide e-Book campaign. So I have an e-Book that I want to generate new business from, or get people to download and capture their information.
So the campaign type is going to be a lead capture campaign. What you’ll also have here in the summary page, which is what we’re gonna cover in this video is the campaign start date, finish date, how far in advance people can make bookings, should it be relevant and what the default venue would be.
Chapter 2: Start Editing
Let’s have a bit of a further look at that. So we’re gonna click edit on the right hand side.
Now within this, we can change the campaign name. We can also change the campaign type if we’ve changed our mind on what exactly we want to do with it.
So you have four options here. You’ve got appointment promotion, appointment promotion two step, lead capture and membership promotion.
Chapter 3: Types Of Campaigns
So appointment promotion campaigns are essentially where someone is going to be booking maybe a consultation, maybe you’re selling a new service, maybe it’s massages or nutrition consultation for example, that might be where you’d use one of the appointment promotion campaigns.
Then you have lead capture. As I mentioned, this is more specific for getting leads information. Maybe you want their details to then be able to go ahead and sell to them in the future. That’s what you’d use lead capture for. It might be for selling or making available an e-Book or a fitness guide or something like that. So that’s probably what you’d use lead capture for.
And then you have the option for membership promotion. So essentially what this means is a campaign created to sell your memberships. So it might be that you’ve got a free trial. You want to entice new people to come and try out your facility and you can do that via a campaign. And then when they sign up, they’re signing up for a 30-day free trial membership.
Likewise, you might have new memberships that you want to upsell to either existing members or new ones.
So there’s many different ways you can use that. So it’s up to you, but if you ever get stuck and need a hand, don’t hesitate to get in touch or check out my other videos, Selling a Membership With a Campaign that’s a really good one to watch.
So that’s your campaign types. So we’re gonna stick with the capture for the moment.
Chapter 4: Lead Source
And then we have our default source.
So essentially you can select where the lead has come from. Obviously it’s going to auto select campaign because that’s what we’ve created. But if for any reason you wanted to change that, you can, you’ve got different options here.
Everything from email inquiry and Facebook down to a walk in, or maybe you wanna put unknown, it’s completely up to you, but I would keep campaign if I’m creating a campaign.
Chapter 5: Start/End Dates
Then we have the option to select a campaign start and finish date.
So this essentially means how long and when your campaign will be live on that landing page. And we’ll talk about landing pages in a couple of videos time. But what I would recommend doing is leaving this blank when you first create it. Because if you put a start date for any future date, for example, and then go have a look at your landing page, you won’t be able to see it because it’s not live yet.
So until you finished editing, leave that blank and then if you want it to be for a specific amount of time, maybe it’s a 30-day offer, sign up in January and get 50% off or this membership, for example, then you could select your start date as the first of Jan, and then you could end it on the or 31st of Jan if you wanted to (that’s October. So I’m not sure why I’ve put October!?! But there you go. We’re on the right date now!). So that’s up to you, but just a bit of a biases. I’d leave that blank until you finished editing so that you can make sure you can check on your landing page.
Chapter 6: Advanced Bookings
If you wish for people to be able to make bookings, you can allow advanced bookings up to 14 days in advance is the default.
You can change this to as little or as much as you like.
Chapter 7: Venue Selection
You can also apply a default venue. If you’ve only got one, only the one will show up and online. So it’s up to you if you select one or which one you pick.
And if you want to allow venue selection, you can say yes or no. Essentially what that means is when they go to download it, if they need to put in a venue, they can select which one their default is. So that’s again, up to you.
Chapter 8: Sign Up Email
Then also have the option to select whether you do or do not send the default lead signup email, which you’ll have created previously.
If you want to send them something different and very tailored in your post registration reach outs, maybe clicked to do not send it. If you’re quite happy for everyone to get your standard default lead signup email, then you can leave that unticked.
So that’s the options you have within the summary page on how you can edit specific areas of the campaign.
Make sure you click save to save any changes.
Chapter 9: Campaign Performance
Once your campaign is live, at the bottom you’ll be able to start seeing the recent activity within the last days.
So it breaks it down by number of visits and what date, and then you can see how many you’ve received on specific days. You can also get further information on this by clicking on the green visits button that will highlight specific visits.
Then you can highlight registrations. So again, that will show the same information if you’ve had registrations on specific days, and then you can do it based on bookings as well if there’s been any appointments booked.
If that’s something that you’ve asked the campaign to do for you. But here we can see our landing page visits.
So if you want to look at different information, click on each button and that will highlight what you’re looking to see.
So that is the summary page for your created campaign. And specifically for this lead capture campaign around a Healthy Eating Guide e-Book.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch or be sure to watch my next few videos in the course, and we’ll go through hooks, landing pages, sign up questions and post registration reach outs.
I’ll see you there.