Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video or this course of videos we’ve been looking at viewing and creating campaigns.
Now, we’re working our way through the tabs and we’re at Signup Questions. So, let’s have a look at what this page looks like, what you can do with it and then I’ll actually show you what that looks like as a member signing up or, or a lead, hopefully member, signing up afterwards as well.
So, because we’ve used a template, what we’ve done is pre-populated some sign-up questions that you might wanna use. You can, by all means, delete these and add your own. You might wanna keep them, that’s fine. And if you started from scratch, you’d have to add your own as well. So, I’m gonna show you what that looks like now.
Chapter 1: Adding A Question
You can see the green button that says, add question. I’m gonna click on that and then it opens up two boxes to essentially start creating my questions that I want to add on signup.
So, essentially what this means is, as I’m entering my email address and information that you need for me to download my ebook, for example, I have to, or have the option to, answer these questions.
So, because we’re doing a lead capture campaign here to get people to download our ebook, it might be that we want to get a bit more information about them.
So, if we go to reach out to them or contact them moving forward, we know we can focus on a specific piece of information. Maybe if their fitness goal is, I don’t know, toning up, we might give them information about our six week tone and weight training course or whatever you want.
So, that’s kind of like the reason why you might use these. Anyway, you can add your own new questions here, if you want to.
So we’ve got, well; what are your fitness goals? Do you currently track your calories? Do you enjoy cooking?
Maybe if they are downloading an ebook, you have the option to make it a single or multi-line answer with the dropdown under type, and then you also have the option to make the question required.
So, that essentially means they have to answer before they can sign up. I’m not gonna make it required for them to answer whether they enjoy cooking or not!
So, I’m gonna click the tick and, as always, make sure you press save to save any changes and additions that you’ve made.
So, that is essentially the signup questions tab. It’s very straightforward, you’ll see here, which ones you’ve set as required or not. The cross means it’s not, the tick means it is.
Chapter 2: Actions
And then we have our trusty actions as well.
So, we have our edit pencil, the option to delete it.
And we have these arrows to move the question up or down in order.
Okay, so you’ve got that option there as well.
Chapter 3: Live View
But let me show you what that looks like if I was registering, so I’m gonna click over to this tab, now this is off the back of my landing page that I’ve created in my previous video. So, if you haven’t watched that, go check it out.
But essentially as a new person to your facility, as a new lead or a member, that’s downloading your ebook, I will see that I have to enter my name, email, mobile phone number and then I’ll also see the questions that you’ve asked me to answer.
Now I have:
- What are my fitness goals?
- Do you currently track your calories?
And then I’ve got a consent that I need to tick and then I’d click register and I’d be taken to either our generic thank you for registering page, or you may have added your own completion page.
That is what you’re signing up questions essentially will look like for any new members or leads signing up.
If you have any questions around this, don’t hesitate to get in touch or be sure to watch my post registration reach-outs video on what that looks like next.
I’ll see you soon.