Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this course of videos, we’re looking at how you can view and create campaigns, and we’re now in the thick of creating a campaign. And today, we’re going to look at landing pages.
So, there’s quite a bit of information on this page. There’s a few things to take you through here, so bear with me. But essentially, the landing page is where your leads will go to get the information that you want to give them, whether it be this ebook or selling a membership, or getting them to book an appointment with a nutritionist or something like that. So this is where you’re gonna send them.
And when you create a campaign from a template that we’ve already pre-populated for you, you will get a default landing page already created that you can go and edit, which is great. If you’ve created from scratch, which is also great, you would look to add a landing page, and then you’d see that come up on the list here. So I’m gonna break this down.
Chapter 1: Adding A landing Page
We’re gonna start by adding a landing page, just so I can show you what that looks like.
So you’re gonna click the green button on the top left-hand side.
And then essentially, what you’re gonna look to do is, within this new box that’s opened up, give it a name, a title for the page.
You can assign a background colour if you want to, and any SEO description and keywords that you’d like to give it.
Once you fill that information out and clicked on the tick on the right-hand side, you’ve essentially created a new landing page.
That will generate a new URL. So let’s do this quickly. Let’s call it Ebook Landing Page 2, (because obviously, I’m very creative, and can think of new names!), Download your free ebook, for example.
You can select a colour if you wish, or you can add your own colour if you know that. So you can do that there.
You then can add in an optional SEO description or keywords, should you wish. But if you’re quite happy with it as is, you can click the tick to save, and then it will load up your campaign landing page that you’ve just created.
Chapter 2: Editing A Landing Page
Now, what it’s done is it’s taken me straight to my campaign landing page editor.
If you’ve looked at my videos on immersive emails, this is very familiar to you. Essentially, you’ve got different boxes of content and sort of formats that you can pull into the page and really build out a very engaging, you know, good looking landing page without having to do too much yourself in terms of coding and things like that.
So we’ve kind of tried to think of everything for you here. So you’ve got the gallery, maybe you’ve got pictures of different ebooks or recipes, that’s in it.
You’ve got lots of different options within this dropdown. Always be sure to save and close.
And then, you’ll see that that has generated that link I mentioned to you in a URL.
Chapter 3: Actions Overview
With that, you also have your trusty actions that you can do straight from the sort of listings, if you will.
So we’ve got our trusty pencil to go in and edit. So that’s to edit the landing page configuration.
You have the paint palette to edit the landing page content, which is that page we were just in where we were dragging and dropping the boxes.
You can clone this landing page and delete it, should you wish.
The other option you’ve got here is, now, we’ve got a new landing page, we have the star, so we can change which one is our default landing page. So it might be that actually I wanna change it to my new landing page or make that my default. So they’re the options you have there, okay.
Chapter 4: tracking ID’s, Pixels, etc.
Underneath, we have our tracking IDs.
Now, this again is optional, but you can specify the IDs for tracking the pixels to include in your templates. So you can do Facebook pixel IDs and you can do Google analytics. So you can get those from Facebook and Google, and then you can input them here, and that will allow the tracking to include into your templates there.
Chapter 5: Completion Page
You then also have the option to add a completion page.
So this might be a page from your website, maybe it’s somewhere that you’ve already created that says, “Thanks for signing up” or “thanks for downloading,” or maybe it’s a page where you want to do further upselling, and you have another landing page for selling memberships, for example. “We’re glad you’re interested in this ebook. Take a look at the membership where you get one every month,” for example.
You can add your completion page URL here, if you want to. So that’s optional, but it’s completely up to you if you use it or not.
That is essentially a landing page (tab) in a nutshell.
Chapter 6: Uploading Your Own Landing Page Into Quoox
The last thing that you can do, kind of outside of the options on this page is to upload your own landing page if one has been created for you.
Some facilities that we work with have web developers, for example, or marketing agencies, maybe, you can upload your own package basically and create your landing page within Quoox, but one that’s already been done.
So you can do that by clicking Upload Package. And that will bring up the option to give it a landing page name, and then upload the zip file.
There’s some more instructions here in terms of what’s not supported and what you need it to be, so you can get that uploaded properly.
That is landing pages. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Be sure to check out the following videos around, sign up questions and post registration reach-outs, and check out other videos on selling memberships with the campaign. But if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll look to help you.
I’ll see you in the next video.