Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
So in this course of videos, we’re going to be looking at the Quoox XRcize Hub. It’s a fantastic feature, with features on features on features within it!
But essentially, it’s a sort of on-demand programme creation side of Quoox, where you can deliver exercise programmes, sessions, to your clients, through Quoox. So maybe you’ve got people that are purely online clients and they work out from home, maybe, so you set them programs. Or maybe you’ve got clients that come to the facility, but they want to be able to do their own sort of personal training without the pressure of having to book in a session and commit to times.
So we’re going to go ahead and go through each step that you need to take to create an exercise programme, how you distribute it to your members, everything, the ins and outs of XRcize Hub.
So please stick along and watch through the videos, but to get there, as always is the first place to start, and it’s in the main menu under XRcize Programmes, and we’re going to start in XRcize Hub.
This brings you to a bit of a summary page, and I’m going to take you through what each part of that means, and then we’ll go through and look at how we set that up.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Otherwise, I’ll see you on the next video.