Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this course of videos, we’re gonna be looking at reporting within Quoox. And one of the first subjects or topics that comes up in the list of things under Reporting is actually our Alerts.
So, there’s two different ways you can see these. The first one being in the dashboard, which we’re already in.
So, I can see on the top right-hand side of my dashboard, that I’ve actually got a notification of an alert, for me to view. So, this is where you can view them from your dashboard.
You can click on the Alert icon, if you will, and it will come up with what alerts you have here.
You can either click into the specific alert or you can click to view all. And that will allow you to see the list of system alerts that you have open that have either been read, but not deleted or actioned, for example.
So, you can go through and view these.
The other way to get to this list is by going to our Main Menu; going down to Reporting, and then clicking on Alerts at the top. Hence why it’s part of this course!
Now, what you’ll see here in our system alerts is that it gives you how many you have unread.
And then, it also breaks it down based on sort of the traffic light system, if you will.
So green is basically a good thing, a new lead, for example, or something that doesn’t really need an action from you, but it’s more of a positive alert. If you want to align it that way.
Then you have Amber, which is more of an alert where you may need to have action on it. So it might be that a payment’s failed and you might have to retry. It could be that a member couldn’t book, and you need to check on that. So there’s different reasons. There’s the strike rules, for example, as to why it might come up as Amber.
And then you have red, which is essentially an action needed from you.
So Marge can’t… Marge’s auto book didn’t work because she hasn’t got enough credits. So, what are you going to do around that? Will you give her more credits? Will you book her on a complimentary class until they refresh?
Essentially it’s up to you how use it, but that traffic light system is there so that you can kind of at a glance manage your alerts within the system.
If you have any questions around alerts or how they work, don’t hesitate to get in touch, or check out my other videos at support.quoox.com.
I’ll see you soon.