Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
As you probably already know, through this course of videos, we’re looking at Reporting and now we’re focusing on our KPIs and Metrics area, and we’re looking at our 12 Month Overview Reports.
So, we’re now looking at our Active Membership Revenue report, okay. As always, there’s a description underneath the title. It’s an analysis of revenue broken down by membership type.
At a glance, you can see there’s quite a bit of information within this report really. You’ve got what membership type; what payment plan; the total memberships and the total number of paid memberships. If there were any free memberships against that, then you have the revenue per period and the average revenue per period.
Now, the numbers in here won’t matter to you because this is a demo account but when you have your data input, your data will feed this information.
Now, the Revenue Per Period is attributed to the payment plan which should be clear based on your name that you’ve given it. So for example, most facilities run a monthly payment plan but you may also have a one-off like you have here.
It might be a quarterly payment plan, it might be yearly. So there’s different periods that you can have and that’s what the Revenue Per Period will look at based on that payment plan.
You then have the Average Revenue Per Period.
It’s looking at the average revenue per period. So, this would change if for example you’ve got legacy members on a cheaper payment plan for example, that would bring that in to the calculation and it would bring your average down. So that’s the difference between the two.
It’s worth noting that both of these exclude the joining fee, this is your recurring fee on your payment plan that pulls the data into this report, okay, so that’s worth noting as well.
So essentially, that is an overview of the Active Membership Revenue report. It pulls lots of information. You can see it broken down quite easily and it will list all of your membership types and payment plans that attributed to that and then it will give you the information in the report that we’ve just run through.
If you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch or check out our other videos @support.quoox.com and if you’re following through the course, I’ll see you on the next video.