Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video, I’m gonna show you how you can change your wait list options to suit you guys best really.
So we’re gonna start by gonna my.quoox.com. We’re gonna log into our main dashboard. Lovely. Now we’re in the main dashboard, we’re gonna navigate over to the left-hand side menu. We’re gonna move my little head out of the way, and we’re gonna go into Settings. Now we don’t have to worry about the secondary menu here, because it’s in our system settings.
So what we’ll see here is Default Session Settings around the middle of the page. Within that settings box, if you will, you have Wait list processing method. Now you have two options here.
You have “Announce to the full wait list” or “Autobook to the next wait list member”. Essentially, what this means is if you announce to the full wait list, it will be announced by email or [Push notification] that the wait list, a spot has opened up essentially on the session that is available. This then means that anyone on the list could then book, and it’s a first come, first serve to book on for that space.
Or you have the option to autobook the next wait list member. So essentially, the first person that put that they wanted to be on the wait list would be top of the list, and they would be autobooked into the session and then receive an email confirmation or any type of confirmation you’ve set up.
So it’s really up to you how you run your wait list policy, if you will, within your facility. Announce to the full wait list is a great way to ensure that everybody has the option to book. But autobook the next wait list member essentially means that you’ll always have full capacity of your session. So it’s completely up to you. But that’s how you can amend the wait list processing options.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to raise a ticket by your Quoox platform. Or you can go ahead and have a look at support.quoox.com I’ll see you on the next video. Thanks.