Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this course of videos, we’ve been looking at forms and questionnaires.
So we’ve already covered off how to create them, where to find them, how to configure the questions and look at the responses.
Now we’re going to look at how you can send out the forms and questionnaires or assign them in different ways, because there’s a number of different methods you can use.
So let’s start within the Connect & Promote, Forms & Questionnaires area that we’re already in.
So what you’ll see on my screen is that we’ve already got a list of our forms.
Chapter 1: Sending Ad Hoc
Now, if there’s a specific form that you’d like to send out on an ad hoc basis, you can do so by clicking on the paper plane under actions, which allows you to ad hoc send out.
Now what that does is brings up a secondary box.
We’ve obviously done this under the COVID liability waiver. However, you do get the dropdown to change which formal questionnaire you might have selected in error.
Then you can select who you want to send it to.
So it might be a specific member. So maybe it’s Justin Credible because he’s my fav.
Or maybe it’s a member group. If you start selecting member, you can see you’ve got different options, active members, all members, maybe you’re trying to spark up interest from your inactive members and you want them to fill out a health and fitness questionnaire, for example.
So you have those different options as well. Or you can start typing memberships and then you’ll see your different memberships as well, which have been grouped. And it might be that you’re sending it to a specific group for a specific reason. So you can select who that goes to within that.
You can select how long the form is valid for, for the member to fill out.
And then how quickly you want to enforce that as well. So it might be that you enforce it after zero days, cause it’s straight away. Maybe it’s one day, it’s up to you.
So you’ve got the options to edit here. You don’t have to put either of those in.
You can also select that you send the members a new form notification alert. This is optional. You can also untick it, but that’s completely up to you. So that’s way number one.
Chapter 2: Default Setting
The other way you can do this is by going into said form. So let’s go ahead and click health and fitness questionnaire, for example.
We’re going to click on the view and edit button, and we’re going to go at the bottom of our overview page and look at our default allocation options.
So as stated on the page here, you can see that the default allocation essentially automatically assigns that form to any new members as they are created.
So it’s worth noting here, if this is a specific form that you only want to give to certain members, don’t tick this box because essentially it means anyone that signs up will get this, Whether they’re a brand new member, pay as you go, standard membership, whatever, and it might be a form that’s only specific to certain memberships. So please bear that in mind.
If you do however, want to make it valid for everyone, for example, with a COVID liability waiver, you might want everyone, no matter what they’re signing up for to sign it, you could click yes and make it mandatory after zero days.
So they need to fill that in straight away. So you also have that option in here. All right, that’s two different ways you can do it from within the forms and questionnaires page.
Chapter 3: Scheduling For Future & Repeat Send Out
The other way you can do this, and I’ll show you very quickly as I’ve got another video on how you set it up, is by scheduling the form to go out a different time or on a recurring basis.
So you can click add schedule.
You can give it a name.
You can select the form that you want it to go out, that you want to go out on certain dates.
So maybe it’s a weekly check-in, it’s valid for seven days.
Your participants are all members, and you want to get a new form alert sent out to them.
And it’s going to go out weekly on a Sunday to see how their week went. And it’s going to start this Sunday.
That’s how quick and easy it is to add a schedule name, a schedule to your form, sorry.
And then you click save and that will then go out consecutively every Sunday for their weekly check-in to be filled out.
So that’s the main ways you can do it from Connect & Promote.
Chapter 4: Sending Via A Nurture Programme
The other way you can do it within Connect & Promote is under Nurture.
So you can actually add this to your Nurture Campaigns.
So let’s go ahead and click on to Nurture, and we’ll see that we’ve got our list of Nurture Programmes.
Now, if you’re not sure what a Nurture Programme is or how to create one, please go and check out my previous videos on creating a Nurture Plan for members or Nurture Programme for members.
If you’ve already done that, then stick with me and we’re going to click into anyone so I can show you where you’d add this.
So let’s say it’s for our 14 day programme, we’re going to click on the pencil to edit, and we’re going to add a Nurturing Element.
So we’re gonna click on the green button and we’re going to get our dropdown of options.
Now for a detailed explanation on what each one is, not that you should need it, but if you did go ahead and check out that creating a Nurture Programme video. Okay.
But for now, we’re going to add a formal questionnaire to our Nurture Programme.
As always, we get our dropdown box so we can select which nurture, which form, we want in that Nurture Programme.
So I’m going to say it’s our Health and Fitness questionnaire, for example.
And I want them to get that on day one, because I need to see what their health and fitness looks like currently so that I can either tailor my programme or make sure that they’re right, at the right fit for it.
I’m going to click on the tick under actions and I’m going to click save.
And I’ve now added that form to my Nurture Programme.
Chapter 5: Sending To An Individual Member
The other way you can do this is actually from managing your members.
So you can go into Manage and Members.
You can click on a specific member. So let’s say it’s Marge and we’re having a chat with Marge.
And we’ve realised that she hasn’t filled out a specific form. You can click on the Forms tab.
You can see which ones have been sent, which ones have been responded to. And you can see when those responses were completed, started and when they were last issued, for example, and then from here, you can click: New Send Out and you can select which form you’d like them to check or fill in.
So “Habits Check In” for example, and then you can send that to the member.
So you can do it direct from their Member Profile.
So that’s how you can send out the forms via Nurture Programmes by the Member’s Profile and also straight from the Forms & Questionnaires section.
Chapter 6: Attaching To A Membership
The other way that you can also do this is under Settings and Membership Plans.
And you can actually add it as a deliverable to specific membership.
So let’s say for example, in my 14 day challenge, I’m going to click on the pencil under Actions, and I’m going to go straight to my Deliverables tab.
I’m going to scroll down to the bottom and I can add a form here.
So I’m going to click Add Form and it opens up the dropdown box for me.
Now it might be that for my 14 day Challenge, as I mentioned previously, I want them to fill out the Health & Fitness questionnaire. So rather than it going out on a specific day, I’m going to have it go out as soon as someone signs up for this specific membership.
So I’ve added my form. I’m going to click the tick and I’m going to click save.
And essentially what that means is anyone that signs up for the 14 day challenge will also receive the Health & Fitness questionnaire for them to fill out. Okay.
So that’s a number of different ways that you can get forms out to members, whether it be on an ad hoc basis, scheduled, or added to specific memberships.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch or check out my other videos at support.quoox.com.