The Summary Tab of the member profile provides an overview of the member record.
Information displayed includes:
- Member profile picture (for ease of identification)
- Member name (and nickname, if applicable)
- Contact details
- Current credit count
- Current membership
If the member has any current injuries, these are highlighted.
Clicking any of the icons will copy the corresponding information to the computer clipboard.
Promote to Employee
All employees are firstly created as members. Their profile is created and details added in the usual way. An employee with manager rights may then promote a member to employee status.
To promote a member to be an employee, the manager should click the Promote to Employee link. A corresponding employee record will be created. The employee details may then be access from the Employees option under the Manage heading on the main menu.
Credit Count
It is important to note that the credit count is a headline count. For further details regarding credit availability, look at the Membership & Credits tab.
For example, a member might have 4 credits available, and still not be able to book. This could be because the credits they have might not yet be valid, might not be eligible for the given venue, and/or might not be eligible for the given session. There could also be other reasons. The Credits tab should help provide the answer. From here, additional credits can also be issued, if needs be.