Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video, I’m gonna show you how to set and run auto book and recurring bookings and show you what that looks like once it’s been added to a member.
So, let’s start by going to my.quoox.com and logging into our main dashboard, proven that we’re not, oh we’re really proving that we’re not a robot today. Palm trees. There we go and sign in. That would take us to our main dashboard.
Now to add an auto book, you need to do this via your members. So we’re gonna go to the menu on the left-hand side, manage and then members. I’m gonna show you what it looks like when a member doesn’t have auto book added to their account.
So let’s go to Berky, we’re gonna edit, we’re gonna go straight over to the memberships tab, and you’ll see here that you have the option under memberships, to add an auto book. So what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna add an auto book to Berky’s account, and then I’m gonna show you what it looks like when you’ve already got one created and how that shows in sessions. One thing worth noting is kind of why people use auto book. It’s really, really useful if you’ve got a member that has maybe one-on-one sessions on a regular basis every week, and they want to come and do come at the same time with the same session booking, that’s really useful, it just means that they’re already auto booked and they don’t have to keep doing that. Or it could be that you’ve got a family that like coming on a Saturday morning to a specific session and they just wanna be auto booked so that the family group is added straight away. There may be a number of other reasons, but they’re kinda the main ones, and you can use this for your members or how members want to use it as, and when really. So let’s go ahead and add a new auto book for this member.
So we’re gonna click the green button. The great thing here is it doesn’t open any additional windows, it’s just opened an options box within the same window that we’re in. So, we can select how we’re gonna set this recurring booking. So we can select which session, I moved my little bobble head out of the way. So you can see all of the sessions you’ve created and added to your schedule previously, or as an option.
So let’s say it’s the foundation class at Chelmsford, which is in the main gym area, and it’s on a Tuesday at 11 o’clock. Now we can set when we want this to start from, so it might be that they want this to start from the first Monday in October. So again, we’re gonna move my little head and put 4th of October, and it might not have an end date. They wanna join that class every week and if they need to they’ll cancel. And then you have the option to add the payment method.
Now, most facilities set up with credit packs and use credits to pay for their session so that would probably be the payment method you use. However, it might be that you’ve got a complimentary eight week course for specific members, maybe VIP members, maybe it’s a new class and you want to do taster sessions and auto book everybody on so that they get the full course, if you will, so it might be complimentary, or it might be other another credit pack that you set up specifically for that offering, and then you have all of the other standard options such as cash, debit, credit card, cheque if you fancy it or a bank transfer. So I, for this example, I’m gonna go for credits because that’s probably the most common use case, and then you can either tick or untick that the system sends a booking confirmation. I’d leave that ticked so you don’t get questions as to whether it’s been done, and they’ll see that the auto book is working for them as a member. As always, we’re gonna click the tick on the right-hand side under actions, and that has now set our auto book function.
Now it’s worth noting that when you create a new automatic booking and that spans the dates of existing sessions, the member will be booked onto those sessions and duplicates aren’t created. So if they’re already booked, you can avoid that by setting the from date. So if they’re already booked up to next Monday, then you could put the start date as the following Monday, for example, ’cause then there won’t be any duplicate bookings.
When you edit an auto book record, it won’t affect any auto bookings that have already been made, okay? So let’s say we’re now on the 8th of October, for example, we need to make an edit as to which session maybe they’ve decided they wanna do the Wednesday at 11 for example, once we’ve then made that change, it won’t work until the following week. So, any sessions they’ve been booked up to will stay the same from the original auto book.
I’d like to show you what it looks like when they have been auto booked into a session.
So I’m gonna go into a different member, and we’re gonna search for Chris. And we’re gonna go into Chris’s membership, and we’re gonna click on memberships. And we can see that he’s already got his auto book for small group session at Chelmsford in the main gym area every Sunday at six o’clock. So we’re gonna go to the main menu and to schedule, we’re gonna go to Sunday, and we’re gonna go to the 6:00 p.m. small group session. We’re gonna right click and view edit bookings, and what you’ll see here is Chris is booked and you’ll see clearly in a green highlighted box that it says auto booked. This basically means that the auto book function has worked, he’s been automatically booked onto this session and he’ll be able to join as a guaranteed booking.
So auto book and recurring bookings are guaranteed. It will not put them onto the wait list it will always put them in as confirmed booking so their status will always be booked. So it’s worth noting that if you have auto bookings for a small group session, for example, that has a limit of four, and you maybe have five members that want to attend that session and you’ve created an auto book for all five of them, the session will overbook. It will not remove or put anyone on the wait list it will just book over capacity. So it’s worth bearing in mind who you’ve got auto booked onto which sessions, and if that’s the case, either increase the session size or capacity, or create an additional session that you can then have auto book for other members on there, so it’s you and the said members.
So just bear that in mind that if it’s got an auto book, they are added to the session as a guaranteed booking, so be careful not to overbook otherwise you’ll reach and overreach your capacity for the sessions that you’ve created.
I hope that’s made sense, I hope that’s given you a good idea on how to make and create and manage auto bookings and how it looks once they’ve been booked onto a class, if you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch, so you can either raise a ticket through your Quoox platform, or you can go to support.quoox.com, and we’ll be able to help you there. I look forward to seeing you on the next video. Thanks.