Hi, welcome to Quoox University.
In this video, we’re looking at member features, and I’m gonna show you how to add a member yourself through the Quoox platform.
So as always, we’re gonna go to my.quoox.com. We’re gonna login to our main dashboard. And once we’re in, we’re gonna navigate ourselves over to the main menu and we’re gonna go down to Manage and Members.
Perfect, so what you’ll see here is all of our members listed. It’s worth noting that if you haven’t done your onboarding yet, go back to our onboarding videos, and there’s a video on how to upload all of your members in one go. This is for more when you need to add an ad hoc member once you’ve had everything set up, so follow along if you’re at that stage. So once we’ve had all of our members added in our initial onboarding, we might have a few ad hoc members that we want to add, for example.
So we’d go to Manage, Members and then we’d click on our right-hand side green Add button.
This essentially brings up the details page that you’ll recognise from your other member’s profiles, and you can fill this in with all of the information that’s required to add your member to your Quoox platform. What you’ll notice through some of the information that you have to log, it is required, so first name, last name, for example. Their preferred email address and alternate email might not be required, but you’re gonna need it for any communication and to send confirmations of their membership, et cetera, and then the rest is up to you.
So I’d highly recommend having at a very minimum, their first name, last name, an email address, and a mobile number, what their address is, and definitely who their emergency contact is, and then you can either set a password for them and then give them that temporary password and they can reset it themselves, or you can leave that and they can click on forgot password.
I have another video on how members can get logged in, so check that out on the Quoox University.
So essentially, that’s how quick and easy it is to add any new member on an ad hoc basis.
If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch or check out my other videos on support.quoox.com.
See you soon.